Fetura Cloud
Advanced farm management platform designed to enhance the efficiency and productivity of swine operations

Process verification: Identifying needs, Responding, & Auditing actions
Key performance indicators by animal, group, barn, farm, etc.
Changes to settings on controls or devices
Daily weight gain of nursery and finishing pigs
Response and actions to alarms
Daily feed usage
Noxious gasses
Water Consumption
Feeding: Growing, Gestating, Farrowing and Lactation
Collection of sows production data
Restrictive feeding in group pens
Sorting market pigs
Feed bin inventories
Reduce labor and feed wastes by RFID and “trigger” stimulus
Inventory and maintenance needs by crate, room or barn
Feed by schedule or intake mechanically but with on-site over-rides
Employee communications and normal scheduling of activities
Real-time parameter changes across all devices for one farm, or multiple
Response to abnormal gas, water or electrical events
Farm benchmarking using a virtual map
Translations to multiple languages
Accurately predict delivery dates of market loads at precise weight ranges.
Pre-program feed deliveries